Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Photo Album for Building Repair Project

For anyone who missed it, here is the engineering report that first confirmed problems with the building EIFS.  Such problems had been suspected for some time but this report put it beyond any doubt.

GMB EIFS Inspection Report

I'll be taking pictures (and maybe videos) as the project gets underway.

Right now a test is being prepared to make sure that all installation techniques are done right.

After this unit is complete a "firehose" test will be done to make absolutely sure that even water driven by high speed winds cannot penetrate the unit. We hope to have a video to document that test (in a week or so).

For now, here is a photo album with steps in the installation of a new window and the surrounding EIFS.

Click here to see the photos as they are added: LINK

If you want to save the text of this link here that is too: