Thursday, September 10, 2020

Special note:

I have modified the photo gallery for the building work so that the new pictures show up at the top and you don't have to scroll down so far. 
Nothing else has changed.

For anyone who hasn't figured it out, the pictures you see initially are just thumbnails (albeit large ones).

If you click on them you will get a much larger picture and that picture can be further zoomed using the mouse wheel (or the equivalent finger gestures on you cell phone or tablet)

Friday, May 15, 2020

Special Message Please Read Carefully

To all Ocean Place unit owners:

Allstates is still under contract and working on renovations to Ocean Place.

With the Covid 19 Pandemic Our schedule has been pushed back.

Several unit owners have been told that there units are still under construction and the final walk-through has not been completed.

Any unit owner that decides to come down and retain back their unit before their unit has been completed will forfeit the final walk-through with the engineer and release Allstates Construction, REI and the Board from any previous or future work or liability for any damages.

We are trying hard to complete this work for you all and make this as easy as possible for a smooth transition.

Please be patient, we will get through this together.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Restoration Reports

Restoration Engineering Inc. who is managing the project as an independent consultant has been providing us with status reports and some owners have expressed interest in seeing these.

These reports can be found at the link below along with projected schedules.

Restoration Reports and Schedules

Keep in mind that these are just estimates and are subject to change. If you are planning a visit before the Spring, it is best to check with ATM

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Photo Album for Building Repair Project

For anyone who missed it, here is the engineering report that first confirmed problems with the building EIFS.  Such problems had been suspected for some time but this report put it beyond any doubt.

GMB EIFS Inspection Report

I'll be taking pictures (and maybe videos) as the project gets underway.

Right now a test is being prepared to make sure that all installation techniques are done right.

After this unit is complete a "firehose" test will be done to make absolutely sure that even water driven by high speed winds cannot penetrate the unit. We hope to have a video to document that test (in a week or so).

For now, here is a photo album with steps in the installation of a new window and the surrounding EIFS.

Click here to see the photos as they are added: LINK

If you want to save the text of this link here that is too:

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Annual Meeting Minutes

Minutes for past few Annual Meetings have been added to the "Useful Files" page.

Direct Link:

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Riley Was Da Bomb, but not so much at Ocean Place

No damage here as far as we can tell. It was quite windy, but coming from the northwest (rather than the typical northeast) slowed it down by the time it got here. It was still quite the storm for our neighbors to the north. Here is a circle around the building with a video of the beach at the end:

Click images for a larger view:

Beach damage below is typical for these storms. Dune was not affected.